It's time for a mixed bag post. I will do these from time to time to adress issues that I don't have to say enough about for them to have their own posts. Topics today:
- Two Jormungar Moon shirt available
- A salute to readers
- Never stay tuned 4
Not Three but TWO Jormungar Moon
I've had a mock-up of a two jormungar moon t-shirt in a post a couple of days ago. Well, it has been become reality. WoWRadio has made the shirt design by Fatty available in their cafepress store - at cost says TotalBiscuit!
If you don't get the joke you either live under a rock and haven't heard the "two Jormungar Worm" meme yet or you missed the three wolf moon craze last year.
This shirt will be a surefire way to find other internet & WoW nerds in the crowd. Don't wear it to a date, please :p
UPDATE: Apparently Blizzard sent WoW Radio a cease and desist letter for using their artwork and they had to close the cafepress store completely. Way to go Blizzard!
I'd like to thank all you readers for appreciating my small experiment here, especially those that have commented, buffed, and/or linked me!
Another shoutout to all my readers from, and of course our own If you like what you read, please let me know. Appreciation is the fuel that lets me continue writing this stuff.
You all have seen the big badges next to my posts, but maybe you have wondered what it is? operates on a concept similar to Digg, but only for World of Warcraft related content. Users submit links and rate these by buffing them. Highly rated posts get published and may even make it to the front page. The user base is still a bit small but I can see this becoming the next big thing - and you guys can help!
To be able to submit and buff links you need a account, but that is created quickly. You can then either use their webform, a bookmarklet, or buttons like the ones you see here to submit links that haven't been submitted yet and to buff those that have.
If you like my stuff, get an account and click the "buff it" links next to the posts you like. This will help me get more recognition und through that more content for you!
Never Stay Tuned 4
Sometimes there's awesome stuff on the intertubes that I just have to share. Today it's the machinima Never Stay Tuned 4 by Olibith. Ever wondered what zapping on TV in Azeroth would be like and where you get the best gnome burgers? Check it out. It's awesome. Thanks to Eriyanna on the forums for pointing this out.
Link Exchange
Promoting a blog can be hard. I'm really struggling between trying to get my name out there and not being perceived as a spammer. If you are in a similar spot, drop me a line to scrusi[at]gmail[dot]com. I'll happily link blogs I like in return for a link from your site to mine. I will keep a level of quality control to that list though - if I don't think a blog is worth reading I won't link it. Nothing worse than the huge blogrolls you see at some pages that are absolutely no help in finding something interesting.
That's it, my next post will be on a big topic again. I promise!
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago