Monday 23 November 2009

Christmas Raiding

Blizzard poster Datth posted the following on the tech support forums a couple of days ago, hinting at the release date for World of Warcraft's newest patch:

"We only provide mirror links for full client patches. Background downloads do not count. You have around 1+ month to download this file so we're not really worried about your speed. :)"
-Datth (emphasis mine)

This doesn't really tell us a lot. MMO Champion's Boubouille doesn't believe it will take that long, and if it does, 1+ month is still very inaccurate. This could mean, however, that we get the patch right before Christmas. That got me thinking - who would want a content patch at that time?

Let's ignore for a moment how terrible the content roll-out for Icecrown will be, and see it as a normal raid content patch. I know my guilds have always stopped raiding for Christmas up until new year's, simply because players would have better things to do in that time. I know I do - I have, in fact, in my 5 years of WoW never opened those winter veil presents due to never logging in within the required timeframe. Some basement-dwellers might only spend a day or an evening with their families and then go back to their PCs, but surely the majority of players1 has some sort of family to attend to around Christmas and people to meet in the - usually work-free - remaining days of the year?

I suppose school children might rejoice at the idea of getting to raid new content during their holidays instead of having to stop early because of school next day - but I'm starting to get the feeling that the majority of raiders in WoW don't go to school anymore. If I was Blizzard, I would never bring out new content right before Christmas but absolutely wait for the new year instead. Maybe that's just me though. What about you guys? Would you raid during the holidays?

1 I suppose this is only true for players living in traditionally Christian regions. Players from cultures that don't celebrate Christmas probably don't care.
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